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Host Hotel and Race Headquarters

Our official host hotel and our Race Headquarters location will be announced as those arrangements are made.


Cerro Coso Community College no longer permits camping/overnight parking on their property. For anyone wishing to camp the night before the race, dispersed camping is available on nearby BLM lands. Please visit the BLM website's Camping page for more information.

A possible camping location is the Brady Trailhead, located south of town, just off South China Lake Blvd./Hwy 395 Business, about 2.3 miles south of the College Heights Blvd. intersection. If you plan to have a campfire, you will need a campfire permit, available online.

Getting to the Race Start

To reach the race start at Cerro Coso Community College, head south on China Lake Blvd. Pass a stoplight at Bowman Road, then Walmart on the left. At the next stoplight, turn left onto College Heights Blvd. The gym parking lot is about 2.5 miles from that corner, on the right side of the road.

The map below shows a detailed view of the Cerro Coso campus, with the gymnasium and gym parking lot on the west side of College Heights Blvd.

College Map

Maps ©OpenStreetMap.